Current News - ٴ Grange Academies Trust/ogat-news/Mon, 21 Oct 2024 12:58:48 +0000en-GBSite-Server v6.0.0-fadb010cdf7faa094e0fc65c277a4a4d6de59b4f-313248 ( message reminders can help improve oral health in teenagersSarah RoyalMon, 21 Oct 2024 12:58:49 +0000/ogat-news/2024/10/21/text-message-reminders-can-help-improve-oral-health-in-teenagers5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:67164e2f257c97627601b6d7New school-based initiatives including oral health lessons and text message reminders can help to improve tooth brushing habits in teenagers, particularly those from low-income families.

  • The BRIGHT trial, funded by the NIHR, included over 4,600 secondary school pupils from 42 schools over 2.5 years

  • The intervention showed a positive effect on self-reported brushing habits six months later and some evidence of preventing tooth decay for those students from low-income families

  • Tooth decay affects a third of young people aged 12-15 - this increases to a half in young people living in areas of poverty

Text message reminders can help to improve tooth brushing habits in teenagers, particularly those from low-income families, a new study has shown.

Researchers from the University of Sheffield, in collaboration with the Universities of Cardiff, Leeds, York and Dundee, investigated the effectiveness of a new programme designed to encourage better brushing habits and reduce tooth decay in secondary school pupils.

Tooth decay is a very common disease affecting a third of young people aged 12-15 years. This increases to nearly a half in youngsters living in areas of poverty. Young people with tooth decay often suffer from toothache, loss of sleep and problems eating; as well as it affecting their overall physical health and mental wellbeing. It can also lead to increased school absences.

The BRIGHT trial, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and published in the journal of Health Technology Assessment, included a classroom lesson and twice-daily text messages about toothbrushing. The researchers involved 4,680 students from 42 schools across England, Scotland and Wales.

While the overall impact on preventing cavities was not significant, the intervention showed a positive effect on self-reported brushing habits six months later.

The report suggests the programme may be particularly beneficial for students from low-income families, as the analysis found some evidence of prevention of tooth decay within this group.

Professor Zoe Marshman, from the University of Sheffield’s School of Clinical Dentistry, who co-led the BRIGHT trial, said: 

“We checked almost 4,700 secondary pupils’ teeth at the start of the study and after two and a half years. Pupils who received the lesson and text messages reported brushing their teeth more often after six months, but did not have less tooth decay or plaque after two and half years. Pupils eligible for free school meals, however, may have benefited more than others suggesting a potential for the programme to reduce inequalities in oral health. 

“Tooth decay and all its negative consequences such as toothache, loss of sleep and problems eating are very common in children of secondary school age. While school-based initiatives for children between the ages of 4-11 have been delivered for decades, there is very little for secondary schools.

“However, this is a critical stage for toothbrushing practices to become an established behaviour for adulthood. This is why it is vital to help young people to improve their understanding of the importance of toothbrushing and skills to prevent tooth decay.”

The text messages and lessons were well-received by students and teachers. Although challenges were identified with delivering text messages, the lesson plans have been ٴloaded almost 1,000 times.

Researchers will now use these results to find better ways to help secondary school pupils keep their teeth healthy. The study also highlighted the need to better understand the factors that influence oral health habits in teenagers, particularly sugar consumption 

James Colliver, Lead Learning Manager at ٴ Academy City, Sheffield took part in the BRIGHT trial. He said:

“We have a lot of students losing their teeth so I felt it was definitely worthwhile. One of the girls, aged 12, who was in the class told me she’d already had eight teeth out, so that made it feel like this was really important.” 

Dental health is now statutory content of the health education curriculum for primary and secondary schools in England. The BRIGHT trial involved the development and evaluation of a new intervention which covers the dental health content for secondary schools.

Text message reminders can help improve oral health in teenagers
Students sign up to Leeds United Foundation initiativeSarah RoyalWed, 16 Oct 2024 10:05:56 +0000/ogat-news/2024/10/16/students-sign-up-to-leeds-united-foundation-initiative5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:670f82c00f6bac2862e919c9

The Leeds United Foundation works alongside a number of schools in the city.

A select group of students from a local secondary school were recently given a guided tour of Elland Road, as part of their ongoing behavioural intervention work being done through the Leeds United Foundation.

ٴ Academy Hemsworth is just one of a number of schools in the city to partner with the club’s official charity, with an on-site member of Foundation staff working alongside students to provide additional support and help them achieve their goals.

Aimed at a group who have struggled with attendance, behaviour and other school-related issues previously, those who visited the stadium signed ‘contracts’, which included a set of basic rules such as keeping on task during lessons, uniform requirements and punctuality targets.

Andy Wormald, Behaviour and Attendance Officer at the Foundation, said:

“The selected few students didn’t necessarily get it right last year, so we are looking at different ways to provide them success in their education.

“This includes rewards, goals, how we can help them achieve what they want to by getting them in school and making sure they are able to try and be the best versions of themselves. We have got parents involved in the signing of the contracts today to help get those messages across.

“There will be some fantastic opportunities throughout the year for the students. There are some big changes to be made and there will be some great success stories, because I am confident they are capable of turning things around.”

Kate Howarth, Assistant Principal at ٴ Academy Hemsworth, added:

“It is an amazing opportunity to work with this group of students. This is a joint project between the Leeds United Foundation, our academy, the students and their families. Getting everybody on board and behind these students shows them how much they can achieve if they make those changes they need. It will hopefully set them on a really good path to achieve the goals that they are setting.

“It is an amazing thing for them to come here and see all the facilities at Leeds United. It gets them thinking about their aspirations and their goals and the big picture, not just thinking about where they are now in their school year, but where they want to go and what they want to achieve.”

More about the Leeds United Foundation Secondary Education programmes can be found on their website.

Students sign up to Leeds United Foundation initiative
ٴ Academy Ormesby hosts Anne Frank Trust exhibitionSarah RoyalTue, 15 Oct 2024 07:38:14 +0000/ogat-news/2024/10/15/outwood-academy-ormesby-hosts-anne-frank-trust-exhibition5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:670e1ac87aa29e78d18b81cc Cllr Luke Henman attends Anne Frank Exhibition at ٴ Academy Ormesby.jpeg
ٴ Academy Ormesby Anne Frank Exhibition student ambassadors.jpeg

A Middlesbrough school has hosted a special exhibition from the Anne Frank Trust, called “A History for Today”. The exhibition which explores the story of Anne Frank and her family, challenges visitors to think about concepts such as tolerance, mutual respect, human rights and democracy. As part of the exhibition, ٴ Academy Ormesby students were trained as ambassadors to guide visitors around the exhibit. 

Craig Wright, Vice Principal at the school, said:

“Anne Frank’s story is very relevant for young people today and it has been a real privilege for our students to lead this important work. As a school community, we are committed to promoting the fundamental values of tolerance, respect and democracy.”

Councillor Luke Henman, added:

“I was really pleased to have visited the Anne Frank exhibition. Year 9 students did a fantastic job guiding me through the story of the Frank family. The academy is using the project as a platform for more work on anti-bullying, anti-racism and anti-homophobia.  Everyone involved should be proud.”

The Anne Frank Trust is an educational charity leading workshops on the holocaust and its impact today. They use Anne Frank’s story as a catalyst for learning and reflection about prejudice. The use of Anne’s experiences as a young Jewish person during the Holocaust provides a powerful insight for young people to learn and reflect on the dangers of antisemitism and all forms of prejudice. 

ٴ Academy Ormesby hosts Anne Frank Trust exhibition
Pupils put safety first to learn from team behind WalkSafeSarah RoyalMon, 14 Oct 2024 08:02:41 +0000/ogat-news/2024/10/14/pupils-put-safety-first-to-learn-from-team-behind-walksafe5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:670cce3371b3c1136b87abaaStudents and their families across Bassetlaw have been encouraged to monitor the safety of their journeys via a popular personal safety app, following a series of lunch time drop ins by

North Notts College, Tuxford Academy, Elizabethan Academy, ٴ Academy Valley, ٴ Academy Portland, Worksop College and Retford Oaks were all recently visited by the North Notts BID team to share more information on the tools available through the latest crime prevention measure from the North Notts Business Crime Reduction Partnership (NNBCRP).

Available for the public to ٴload for free, the WalkSafe app enables users to track their location and set timings so that chosen friends and family are aware of when they are expected to arrive at a destination. The app can send automatic alerts to their contacts on the app if they do not finish their journey close to their anticipated time.

Sally Gillborn MBE, Chief Executive of North Notts BID, said:

“Everyone has a responsibility to look after each other’s welfare away from home and that is particularly important to stress within our student population navigating to and from school as well as during their free time.

“The WalkSafe app provides a free and immediate resource to spot potential signs of danger and will play a vital role supporting pupils in the district so they can make safe decisions. Through our visits to the local schools, colleges and sixth forms, our team had many productive discussions with pupils about their enthusiasm to use WalkSafe to look after themselves and their friends.”

Carolyn Blundell, Associate Executive Principal at ٴ Grange Academies Trust, said:

“The WalkSafe app is an invaluable tool for keeping our students safe. It provides them with peace of mind knowing that they can get help quickly and easily if they need it. The app is also a great way for parents to track their children's location and ensure that they are getting home safely. We are grateful to North Notts BID for bringing this app to our schools and highly recommend it to other schools in the area.”

Sally added:

“While the uptake of WalkSafe has been positive, we cannot stress enough the importance of providing a free resource like WalkSafe, not just in school settings but for accessing safe venues and refuge points, so that people can update on their whereabouts and be informed they are choosing the safest route to their destination.” 

The WalkSafe app complements North Notts BID’s DISC crime reporting app, digital radio scheme and the Night Angels - a support service for the Saturday night-time economy. It also supports the evening economy alongside the recent introduction of Best Bar None accreditation that ensures people can socialise safely.

As well as schools, the BID is also calling out for more hospitality venues to become registered WalkSafe venues. Eligible venues must provide at least one of the following:

  • Ask for Angela

  • Best Bar None accreditation

  • Active bystander trained

  • Security present

  • Available mobile charging points

  • Available sanitary products

  • LGBTQIA+ friendly

The WalkSafe app is available to for free on the App Store and Google Play Store.

For more information, visit the North Notts BID website, .

Pupils put safety first to learn from team behind WalkSafe
ٴ Family Menopause GuidanceGuest UserFri, 11 Oct 2024 09:43:00 +0000/ogat-news/2022/5/10/outwood-family-launches-new-menopause-guidance5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:627a2df67ff3dd6610af2719The ٴ Family of Schools’ menopause policy and guidance ensures staff are informed on the subject and supported through it.

ٴ Grange Academies Trust has worked with staff and unions to develop the policy and produce the ‘Let’s Talk’ guidance.

A spokesperson for the ٴ Family said:

“For every ten women experiencing menopausal symptoms, six report that it has a negative impact on their work. With the right support, there’s no need for women to press pause on their career during this natural transition.

“We provide training with staff across our schools to ensure people feel comfortable discussing this with colleagues, so we can give the right support at the right time to those who need it.”

View our Menopause Policy here ]]>
ٴ Family Menopause Guidance
New report calls for statutory financial education in schoolsSarah RoyalThu, 10 Oct 2024 11:11:05 +0000/ogat-news/2024/10/10/new-report-calls-for-statutory-financial-education-in-schools5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:6707b4c39514e750ddf32a0eٴ Grange Academies Trust (OGAT) is delighted to be working in partnership with one of its Year 12 students to shape the future of personal development education. Cameron Holt, Member of Youth Parliament for Bassetlaw, is the former student prime minister for ٴ Academy Valley and a current student at ٴ Post 16 Centre Worksop. 

Cameron has undertaken considerable research to produce a report into the need for statutory financial education, which OGAT will feature as part of its upcoming Student Voice Conference on 26 November at the ٴ Institute of Education in Doncaster. 

Alastair Campbell has written the foreword for Cameron’s report, which lobbies parliament for statutory financial education. Campbell states ‘Feeling confident and safe in a world in which money, whether we like it or not, matters so much. Helping young people develop that confidence is what this report is all about. It deserves to be widely read, not just by young people, but by thought leaders and policy makers too.’ 

Outlining his work on the report, Cameron said:

“My campaign is vital to the education of our country’s young people. Finance has never been so important, with online fraud rife, and young people being in control of their finances at a younger age than ever. We find ourselves in a scenario where children are becoming adults without the fundamental knowledge they need to protect their finances. 

“There are millions of young people who are unsure when it comes to car insurance or university debt, which are issues that affect our young people before they are adults. This is a failure, and should not be allowed to continue. As it stands, certain schools deliver brilliant financial education, whilst others do not. To combat this, we need a statutory curriculum, making it compulsory for all schools across the country, which is the status currently given to sex education. A new curriculum should be sculpted by experts in collaboration with young people, so we can foster a new generation of students who are equipped with the information and advice that they need to succeed financially. The dire need for this has been highlighted by Parliament itself, in a cross-party review by the Education Select Committee. 

“My report has been endorsed by a plethora of influential organisations, including GoHenry, PSHE Association, The Diana Award, ٴ Grange Academies Trust, The Money Charity, MyBnk and Positive Money. I am also fortunate enough to have a foreword from Alastair Campbell. My survey on financial education has been answered by around 1000 students and displays their current lack of confidence with money. The support is clear and the need is evident.”

The Student Voice Conference will focus on the theme of ‘Finding your Future’ and Cameron will join representatives from all 29 secondary schools across the ٴ Family of Schools. Staff and students will have the opportunity to listen to a keynote speech from Lyndsy James, founder of Active Fusion, provide feedback about what they want or need in terms of a personal development curriculum and have the opportunity to complete and submit ‘bids’ for funding from the Trust’s newly established Student Voice Innovation Fund in hopes to receive funding to support initiatives in their schools to impact positively on all students.

If you would like to know more about Cameron’s report or attend the Student Voice Conference for the launch, please contact

New report calls for statutory financial education in schools
ٴ Primary Academy Woodlands Awarded Primary Science Quality MarkSarah RoyalFri, 04 Oct 2024 11:00:26 +0000/ogat-news/2024/10/4/outwood-primary-academy-woodlands-awarded-primary-science-quality-mark5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:66ffca42173c6e062fb3a3fdٴ Primary Academy Woodlands has been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) after successfully evidencing the strength of their science curriculum.

Feedback from the review included many positive comments about the school’s approach to teaching and learning science, with the reviewer noting: ‘It is clear that through the new vision and principles, the children are at the centre of science development at Woodlands. The subject leader has a clear focus on science capital and wanting the children to see Science as relevant in their lives now and in the future.’

Paul Williams, Science Lead at the school, said:

“We are thrilled to receive the PSQM! This award reflects the hard work of staff across the whole school in our pursuit to provide our children with a science curriculum of the highest quality.

“Our children love the practical elements of science, so we particularly enjoyed extending the curriculum, to hold STEM workshops as well as an enrichment club that parents could participate in with their children. We are especially proud of the feedback from the accreditation panel, as reflecting on our journey so far allows us to look forward to where we can continue to take science in the future.”

The report also praised the school’s STEMfest initiative, commenting: ‘With initiatives such as STEMfest, the children’s imaginations have been truly captured. They have expressed their love of meeting STEM representatives and meeting other children who enjoy Science just like them!’

PSQM is a comprehensive evidence-based professional development programme that effectively develops science leadership, ensuring teachers have the knowledge, capability and support they need to transform science education and shape future generations. 

The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire.

Helen Sizer, PSQM Co-Director, said:

“By enabling effective science leadership, PSQM is powering the potential of all children to see the relevance and importance of science in their lives, now and in the future. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning and the profile and quality of science in each accredited school is very high. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, headteachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”

ٴ Primary Academy Woodlands Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark
Positive report and ‘Good’ Ofsted rating for ٴ Primary Academy Littleworth GrangeSarah RoyalMon, 16 Sep 2024 14:37:30 +0000/ogat-news/2024/9/16/positive-report-and-good-ofsted-rating-for-outwood-primary-academy-littleworth-grange5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:66e84195e6195a4b79df288a

ٴ Primary Academy Littleworth Grange has maintained its ‘Good’ Ofsted rating following an inspection in July. The glowing report begins by stating ‘Pupils at this school are friendly, happy and kind. The school has high expectations of behaviour, conduct and learning. Pupils thrive on this.’

Inspectors also commented on the curriculum in place at the school, specifically praising the ‘ٴ Diploma’, noting that it is ‘a rich set of experiences that build in complexity and expectation from early years to Year 6. The experiences are exciting and meaningful.’

Ofsted’s report is full of highlights, including that:

  • The curriculum is ambitious. It has been carefully planned to engage and interest pupils.

  • Children at the early stages of learning to read are supported exceptionally well. The school’s chosen approach to teaching phonics is well established and followed consistently.

  • Staff know pupils well. They treat them with kindness and care.

  • Behaviour is exemplary both in classrooms and at other times of the day. Pupils have very positive attitudes to learning.

  • Pupils enjoy the wide range of opportunities the school gives them. This includes residential trips, visitors to the school and a multitude of playtime activities.

  • Teachers benefit from the regular training they receive from leaders within the school and the trust. Teachers’ subject knowledge is strong. They use it well to plan inclusive, exciting lessons.

  • The school’s focus on pupils’ personal development is exemplary. The school has successfully implemented a curriculum that focuses on important aspects of personal, social, health and economic learning.


Karen Wakefield, Lead Principal at ٴ Primary Academy Littleworth Grange, commented on the positive report:

“Our recent Ofsted inspection validated the incredible hard work and dedication of our staff and students. The inspector recognised the positive and nurturing atmosphere we have created, where children feel safe, supported, and eager to learn.

“We are particularly proud of the inspector’s acknowledgement of our commitment to fostering a love of reading and developing well-rounded individuals. This is a testament to our school's core values and our unwavering belief that every child deserves the best possible education.”

Positive report and ‘Good’ Ofsted rating for ٴ Primary Academy Littleworth Grange
Ofsted praise for ٴ Academy RiponSarah RoyalTue, 10 Sep 2024 14:00:31 +0000/ogat-news/2024/9/10/ofsted-praise-for-outwood-academy-ripon5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:66e034a43d081608656cda51

Ofsted has rated ٴ Academy Ripon as ‘Good’ overall - and ‘Outstanding’ for its personal development curriculum. The report states that the school ‘provides pupils with a strong academic curriculum alongside a breadth of wider opportunities that significantly enhance the education. These opportunities support pupils to develop academically, and as individuals, during their time at the school.’

Inspectors were also positive about the Academy Conduct and Expectations (ACE) programme, noting that ‘pupils learn to become mature and respectful members of the school community’ and the programme ‘helps pupils understand why it is important to make positive choices about their behaviour.’

Some of the many highlights of the report include:

  • The school provides pupils with a rich set of experiences beyond the curriculum

  • Pupils at the school benefit from a high-quality education. They achieve well. Their detailed knowledge, and the qualifications that they achieve, prepare them well for their next steps in education, employment or training.

  • Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum. This is carefully sequenced so that pupils’ knowledge builds over time.

  • Leaders have trained teachers well in how to support pupils with SEND.

  • Pupils’ attendance is higher than other schools locally and nationally.

  • The school, and trust, continue to make changes to ensure that all stakeholders work together to support pupils who attend the school.

  • Each aspect of the school’s personal development offer helps pupils to be better prepared for adulthood.

Rachel Donohue, Principal at ٴ Academy Ripon, said:

“I am absolutely delighted that Ofsted has acknowledged the quality of education our students benefit from and that they achieve well. I am particularly proud of staff who are recognised for preparing pupils well for their next steps in education, employment or training through the delivery of our Personal Development curriculum.

“Moving forward, we will continue to strive for excellence, placing our pupils at the heart of every decision we make.”

Ofsted praise for ٴ Academy Ripon
GCSE Success for ٴ Family of SchoolsSarah RoyalThu, 22 Aug 2024 12:32:34 +0000/ogat-news/2024/8/22/gcse-success-for-outwood-family-of-schools5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:66c72f8088852a7aa689c340Students from across the ٴ family of schools are celebrating exceptional GCSE results. Once again, students have demonstrated remarkable resilience and dedication, achieving outstanding results that reflect the high standards of teaching and learning across the Trust.

This year's GCSE results highlight the significant progress made by students across a broad range of subjects. The Trust saw particularly high attainment rates in subjects including Chemistry where 89% of students achieved a Grade 5 or higher, Physics saw 79% of students secure a Grade 5+, 72% of Photography students were awarded a Grade 5+, and 66% of students achieved a Grade 5 or higher in German.

Julie Slater, Chief Executive Principal (Secondary) at ٴ Grange Academies Trust, said:

“We are incredibly proud of our Year 11 students and all that they have achieved throughout their secondary education. Our students have worked incredibly hard, have shown great resilience and have developed into exceptional young adults.

“We are very proud of all that they have achieved and what they will go on to achieve in their future studies and careers. I wish them every success for their futures; it has been a privilege to have been able to work with them.”

GCSE Success for ٴ Family of Schools
A-Level and BTEC Results Day Success for the ٴ FamilySarah RoyalThu, 15 Aug 2024 09:37:10 +0000/ogat-news/2024/8/15/a-level-and-btec-results-day-success-for-the-outwood-family5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:66bdcc003b18b4233e073f97Students and teachers across the ٴ family of schools have been celebrating another successful results day.

Once again, students have demonstrated two years of incredible resilience, dedication, and academic excellence, achieving impressive grades across a wide range of subjects. Many students have secured places at universities of their choice, while others are embarking on exciting apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

An impressive 14% of ٴ family Year 13 students achieved an A* or A grade, while 62.2% of students achieved an A* to C grade.

There were highlights for the family of schools in Maths where 30.5% of students achieved A* - A, and in Chemistry where 22.4% secured A* - A.

Julie Slater, Chief Executive Principal (Secondary) at ٴ Grange Academies Trust, said:

“We are delighted for our students who have secured great destinations following completion of their Level 3 qualifications. Our post-16 students are exceptional young people, determined to secure successful futures. We have lots to celebrate and be proud of today and I wish them all the success in the world for their future lives.”

A-Level and BTEC Results Day Success for the ٴ Family
Scunthorpe United visit to ٴ Academy BrumbySarah RoyalFri, 26 Jul 2024 08:57:53 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/26/scunthorpe-united-visit-to-outwood-academy-brumby5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:66a360e9a245fc23254c5e51
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Members of both Scunthorpe United’s playing and coaching staff visited ٴ Academy Brumby in order to present signed 2023-24 signed shirts to two students.

Andy Butler, Lee Turnbull, Kian Scales and Michael Kelly all travelled to the Academy accompanied by United Vice chairman Roj Rahman and presented the shirts to competition winners for their fantastic achievements across the school year.

Scunthorpe United visit to ٴ Academy Brumby
ٴ Academy Foxhills Celebrates Successful First Year of the Latin Excellence ProgrammeSarah RoyalWed, 24 Jul 2024 14:31:25 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/24/outwood-academy-foxhills-celebrates-successful-first-year-of-the-latin-excellence-programme5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:66a10f30519ee51bfbafd1f0 OA Foxhills Trip to Rome 2.JPG
OA Foxhills trip to Rome.jpg

ٴ Academy Foxhills is celebrating the successful completion of its first year in the Latin Excellence Programme, a national initiative aimed at increasing the uptake and attainment of Latin in state schools across England.

During its first year, ٴ Academy Foxhills has had 16 students from Year 7 to Year 10 studying Latin, which will increase to more than 20 in September. The school was one of the first to be selected for the programme, which is funded by the Department for Education and delivered by the Centre for Latin Excellence. The programme has provided the school with a range of resources and support, including funding to increase Latin provision, visits from expert practitioners and a fully resourced, evidence-based Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum.

Enrichment opportunities are also included in the programme, which meant that students were able to go on a trip to Rome, where they visited iconic sights such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon and the Trevi Fountain.

Students also participated in the Young Aesopi fable competition. There were over 180 entries from 21 schools and the judging panel was incredibly impressed with the high standard. ٴ Academy Foxhills student, Orla, received the Highly Commended Drama Prize and her Latin fable features in the Latin Excellence Programme Winning Entries book.

Tracy Motson, Principal at ٴ Academy Foxhills, said:

“I am immensely proud of the Latin Excellence Programme. Our students have been amazing and are simply flourishing and loving studying a new subject. This is an example of another fantastic academic opportunity for our students.”

The Latin Excellence Programme is a four-year programme, and ٴ Academy Foxhills is committed to continuing to develop its Latin provision over the next few years. The school is confident that the programme will help to ensure that more students have the opportunity to experience the benefits of studying Latin.

ٴ Academy Foxhills Celebrates Successful First Year of the Latin Excellence Programme
CloudClevr partners with ٴ Grange Academies Trust for innovative student competitionSarah RoyalMon, 22 Jul 2024 07:33:05 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/22/cloudclevr-partners-with-outwood-grange-academies-trust-for-innovative-student-competition5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:669e09d24ab5925c90495a9bCloudClevr, through its NGC Networks business unit, recently worked in partnership with ٴ Grange Academies Trust (OGAT) to run an innovative competition aimed at Year 6 students. The competition ran at all ٴ primary academies; located in Barnsley, Doncaster, Ripon, Scunthorpe, Wakefield and York.

Integrated into the school’s Design and Technology curriculum, the competition challenged students to conceive the next big thing in wearable technology, including developing a background, design, prototype, and presentation. 

The event provided an excellent platform for the students to develop their creative skills and apply them in real-life scenarios.

Each school submitted a finalist entry, and CloudClevr’s team carefully evaluated these submissions to select a winner and runners-up. The students showcased impressive creativity and technical skills to come up with some standout entries.

The winning entry, the Pupheat Guardian submitted by ٴ Primary Academy Kirkhamgate, Wakefield, was an innovative smart harness and collar designed to safeguard dogs during hot weather. The device detects when a dog is too hot and sends alerts through a mobile or watch app, warning owners if their pets are at risk of heatstroke.

The Pupheat Guardian stood out for its originality, and practical application, while also having the potential for being commercially viable.

The competition highlighted the importance of fostering creativity and practical skills in young students, preparing them for future success in the technology and engineering fields.

The winner was celebrated at a surprise assembly, where CloudClevr representatives, including Andrew Linley and Jamie Green, presented a brand-new GT mountain bike to the winner.

Sarah Fozzard, Assistant Principal, ٴ Primary Academy Kirkhamgate commented:

“The children absolutely loved taking part in the engineering challenge. It gave them opportunities to put different skills into practice, such as their computing skills to design prototypes and presenting skills whilst delivering their design concept to the class.

“We are proud to say that the winning entry came from our school; especially amongst such high-quality entries from across our family of schools. The 'Pupheat Guardian', a collar for dogs to wear that would monitor their temperature and warn owners if their dogs were at risk of overheating is a great original concept, which has real-world application." 

Andrew Linley, Group Head of Commercial at CloudClevr, added:

“We are really happy to take part in this challenge and nurture young talents. We hope such initiatives will bring out the creative side in children and motivate them to think outside the box and be future tech innovators.”

CloudClevr partners with ٴ Grange Academies Trust for innovative student competition
Celebrations after another successful Teaching Internship ProgrammeLauren OrangeWed, 17 Jul 2024 13:25:56 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/17/celebrations-after-another-successful-teaching-internship-programme5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:6697b36d3613eb0cbb86e613

A group of university students (pictured above) are celebrating after successfully completing a Teaching Internship Programme, giving them valuable insight into the profession.

The teaching internship programme, offered by the ٴ Institute of Education (OIE), is aimed at those interested in a career teaching chemistry, computing, languages, maths or physics and studying for a related degree.

The students who are currently studying at many top universities took part in the three-week, paid programme, which is now in its seventh year. This year, for the first time, the programme was also open to master’s students, resulting in the programme's biggest cohort yet, with 23 participants.

The interns spent time gaining classroom experience, being mentored by seasoned teachers and completing a bespoke training programme, while also receiving guidance and advice on how to apply for teacher training with ٴ Grange Academies Trust (OGAT) through the National Institute of Teaching. 

As part of the programme, the interns engaged in various activities to immerse themselves in academy life. They were given the chance to shadow experienced teachers, observe lessons, collaborate on lesson planning and delivery, receive personalised guidance and network with subject specialists. 

Emma Sikora, Director of the OIE, said:

“We are immensely proud of our teaching interns; their dedication, creativity and professionalism have been evident throughout the programme. They have embraced challenges and opportunities with enthusiasm, allowing them to explore the realities of the teaching profession.”

Interns were hosted and supported in their placements by the following academies:

- ٴ Grange Academy, Wakefield

- ٴ Academy Bydales, Redcar

- ٴ Academy Carlton, Barnsley

- ٴ Academy City, Sheffield

- ٴ Academy Easingwold, York

- ٴ Academy Hasland Hall, Chesterfield

- ٴ Academy Haydock, St Helens

- ٴ Academy Hindley, Wigan

- ٴ Academy Newbold, Chesterfield

- ٴ Academy Normanby, Middlesbrough

- ٴ Academy Ripon, Ripon

- ٴ Academy Valley, Worksop

The end-of-programme celebration event allowed the interns to celebrate their successes and discuss their experiences on the programme with each other.

The internship is a paid programme with each getting a minimum of £900 for their participation and work.

Georgia Fletcher, who interned at ٴ Academy Newbold in Chesterfield, said:

“After gaining first-hand experience with those that know my subject the best, I am certain that I would like to share my passion for languages with young people, aiming to be an inspirational teacher.”

This year, the programme welcomed students from universities across England, as well as some in Scotland, Wales and France. 

- Aston University

- Durham University

- Lancaster University

- Leeds Beckett University

- Newcastle University

- Northumbria University

- Open University

- Sheffield Hallam University

- Swansea University

- Teesside University

- University of Chester

- University of Nottingham

- University of Paris

- University of Sheffield

- University of St Andrews

- University of Warwick

- University of York

To register interest for the 2025 internship programme, please click below:

Celebrations after another successful Teaching Internship Programme
ٴ Academy Haydock claims Champion Schools Rugby titleSarah RoyalTue, 16 Jul 2024 07:28:13 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/16/outwood-academy-haydock-claims-champion-schools-rugby-title5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:669620907cdd330761a72e53 OA Haydock Rugby Presentation.jpg
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A school rugby team from ٴ Academy Haydock, St Helens, has been crowned winner of the Inspiresport Champion Schools Year 8 Boys’ final.

The team won its first piece of silverware in May at the St Helens Schools Cup Competition where the boys defeated Cowley High School 25-0. This led to their first clash against Bedford High School in the North West Final, where they won 22-0. Progressing to the National Semi-Final, the team seized another win over Archbishop Sentamu Academy, ending 16-0, earning the team a place in the National Final.

The National Final saw a closely fought contest, and despite being ten points behind at halftime, ٴ Academy Haydock forged a fantastic comeback with 28 unanswered points in the second half, remaining unbeaten, securing a treble and finishing on a full-time score of 34-16. Adding to the team’s achievements, Munachimso Ojukwu was presented with the Player of the Match award.

Chris Worthington, Head of PE at the school, said:

“The performance of the Year 8 team in the final was an outstanding spectacle, which reflected the commitment and determination of every player. The jubilant celebrations from Munachimso when he was awarded Player of the Match topped the day. It showed just how shocked and happy he was to receive the award. Spectators at the event shared in the applause with smiles and tears of joy.  

“Although Munachimso only joined our school in September and was completely new to rugby, he has shown resilience, passion and dedication to the school team, being an integral part of its success this season. Seeing the team celebrate on the pitch with all three trophies was a wonderful achievement and memory to cherish forever.”

The Champion Schools league is open to teams from across 6 regions, with around 150 schools participating per age group from Year 7 to Year 11. The competition is open to boys’ and girls’ teams alike.

Andrea Murray, National Education Manager at Rugby Football League, said:

“Congratulations to ٴ Academy Haydock on their first national Champion Schools title. The team narrowly missed out on a spot at Wembley last year, losing by 1 point in the Year 7 Boys’ semi-final, and have used that experience to come back a stronger and more resilient team this year, winning our regional and now national titles. Congratulations to Mr Beddoe and all the team on a fantastic season.”

ٴ Academy Haydock claims Champion Schools Rugby title
Ofsted grades ٴ Primary Academy Alne as ‘Outstanding’ across the boardSarah RoyalMon, 15 Jul 2024 07:23:41 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/15/ofsted-grades-outwood-primary-academy-alne-as-outstanding-across-the-board5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:6694cd3a0a24843583425fd8

Inspectors say that pupils thrive in this exceptional school. 

ٴ Primary Academy Alne has been rated ‘Outstanding’ across the board in its first Ofsted inspection since joining the ٴ family of schools.

Before joining ٴ Grange Academies Trust (OGAT), the school, then Alne Primary School, was rated as ‘Inadequate’ due to factors including poor pupil outcomes and a lack of professional development for staff. Now, inspectors say that the relentless focus on school improvement by leaders in the school and the trust has transformed the school.

The most recent report which comes after a two-day inspection in June, opens by saying ‘The quality of education that the school provides is outstanding. It goes beyond the academic. Pupils are inspired and enthusiastic learners. They thrive in this exceptional school.’

Some highlights of the report are:

  • Pupils work with high levels of engagement and interest. This begins in the Reception Year where children make a flying start to their school journey. They achieve exceptionally well.

  • This exemplary school secures an exceptional education for pupils.

  • Pupils attend this nurturing school happily and regularly.

  • Pupils are extremely well prepared for life beyond the school gates.

  • The expertly delivered curriculum embeds and deepens pupils’ subject-specific vocabulary. Pupils are articulate.

  • The expertise of staff, daily phonics teaching and extra reading practice means that pupils learn to read quickly.

  • Staff benefit from the collaborative, coaching approach of the trust. They feel exceptionally well supported with their workload and well-being.

Michelle Dawson, Principal at ٴ Primary Academy Alne, said:

“It's a privilege to work with the pupils, staff and families at Alne. This result reflects everyone’s hard work and commitment over the last 5 years.”

Lee Wilson,  CEO at OGAT, added:

"This remarkable turnaround from 'Inadequate' to 'Outstanding' is a testament to the power of strong collaboration within our family of schools and the wider school community. When we work as one, we achieve great strength, ultimately benefiting our children, their families, staff, and the entire community. Thank you to everyone involved in this incredible journey."

Ofsted grades ٴ Primary Academy Alne as ‘Outstanding’ across the board
Glowing Ofsted report for ٴ Academy BrumbySarah RoyalTue, 09 Jul 2024 09:18:41 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/9/glowing-ofsted-report-for-outwood-academy-brumby5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:668cff8963a02c0e9b4b8c8f

ٴ Academy Brumby has been rated ‘Good’ in all areas by Ofsted. The positive report from the inspection in May praises the school, opening with ‘ٴ Academy Brumby is a school that puts the best interests of pupils at the heart of everything it does. The school has an unswerving commitment to providing pupils with a high-quality education, irrespective of their background or ability.’

The report recognises the commitment of school staff to promote literacy and reading, noting that ‘The school prioritises reading. Pupils told inspectors that they enjoy reading aloud. They said that this is building their confidence and helping to prepare them for the future.’

Highlights of the report include:

●        The school has designed an ambitious curriculum that supports pupils to build a deep body of subject knowledge from Year 7 to Year 11.

●        The school’s relentless drive to increase attendance is improving the achievement of many pupils, including those who are disadvantaged.

●        The school identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND quickly and accurately. Pupils with SEND access the same curriculum content as their peers.

●        The school has recognised that empowering pupils with literacy is a priority. Teachers carefully model appropriate subject-specific vocabulary.

●        Teachers use their subject expertise skilfully to deepen pupils’ understanding.

●        Pupils experience a broad personal development offer that is carefully designed and delivered successfully through ‘life’ lessons. These lessons cover important aspects of pupils’ development appropriate to their age.

●        Pupils receive comprehensive information about their next steps in education, employment or training.

●        Governors and trustees have high ambitions for the school. They share the school’s passion for all pupils to receive a positive educational experience.

Donna Fitzgerald, Principal at ٴ Academy Brumby, said:

“We are delighted by Ofsted’s recognition of our rapid improvements and I am extremely proud of the feedback.  This result reflects a significant whole team effort to improve the education of our students.

“Our staff, families and young people have all been crucial in ensuring that the academy consistently delivers an excellent education, preparing students for a bright and ambitious future in learning and careers.”

Glowing Ofsted report for ٴ Academy Brumby
OPA Lofthouse Gate Awarded Primary Science Quality MarkSarah RoyalTue, 09 Jul 2024 08:49:15 +0000/ogat-news/2024/7/2/opa-lofthouse-gate-awarded-primary-science-quality-mark5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:6683ba379a6f4264934ce6cb

ٴ Primary Academy Lofthouse Gate, Wakefield has been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) after successfully evidencing the strength of their science curriculum. Feedback from the review included many positive comments about the school’s approach to teaching and learning science, with the reviewer noting: ‘This is a significant award, as it means as well as science being developed school-wide in this establishment, the school is also starting to influence practice on other schools where science may not be as strong as it is at ٴ Primary Academy Lofthouse Gate. A lot of people have a great deal to be thankful for in the local area.’

Sarah Jagger, Science Leader at the school, said:

“Achieving the PSQM is a reflection of all the hard work which has been put in by our school staff and leaders in delivering the science curriculum. We’re delighted that the review feedback highlights our continued pursuit of excellence in science. It’s a subject that our children love to engage with and we hope they continue to do so throughout their educational journey.”

PSQM is a comprehensive evidence-based professional development programme that effectively develops science leadership, ensuring teachers have the knowledge, capability and support they need to transform science education and shape future generations. 

The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire.

Helen Sizer, PSQM Co-Director, said:

“By enabling effective science leadership, PSQM is powering the potential of all children to see the relevance and importance of science in their lives, now and in the future. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning and the profile and quality of science in each accredited school is very high. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, headteachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”

OPA Lofthouse Gate Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark
Bike Fest returns for fourth yearSarah RoyalThu, 27 Jun 2024 13:30:01 +0000/ogat-news/2024/6/27/bike-fest-returns-for-fourth-year5b3cc2548f5130df897ee8b8:5ba22a4c70a6adc92989bfef:667d663fdb74c2249473e8cbOn Saturday 6 July, the 4th annual Shafton Bike Fest will take place. The event which will run from 12 pm to 3 pm, is a charity motorcycle show held by students at ٴ Academy Shafton and its charity committee to raise funds for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Barnsley Food Bank. With more than £6,000 raised across the last three events, this year’s fundraising target has been set at £5,000. 

Bike Fest founder Christopher Rooke, Technology Teacher at ٴ Academy Shafton, explains:

“Bike Fest is run by our students and is a motorcycle show with a bit of a difference. The aim of Bike Fest is to raise awareness of motorcycling in the community, promote safe and responsible motorcycling, and dissuade antisocial behaviour on motorbikes. It also allows us to work with local businesses and motorcycle clubs – many of which, support us with donations for raffle prizes and hosting stalls. 

“Over the years, Bike Fest’s popularity as a local community event has exploded, meaning that across the last three events, we have raised over £6,000, this year we’d like to raise more than ever.” 

If businesses would like to sponsor the event, rent a stall, or donate raffle prizes, please contact Christopher Rooke at

Bike Fest returns for fourth year