A Brew With...Rachel Collin

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This time we sat °Ù´ºÁ´ with Rachel Collin for a brew. Although Rachel’s choice of brew can depend on numerous factors, over this brew we had a lovely chat about her career and her love for all things festive!

[°Ù´ºÁ´.com] Hi Rachel, thanks for meeting with us! Please can you introduce yourself to the readers?

RC: “Hello! Well, thank you for asking me to get involved. It’s an honour to be the first interviewee! 

“I’m Rachel Collin and I teach Design and Technology at °Ù´ºÁ´ Academy Bydales in Redcar.â€

And the big question.... Coffee or tea?

“When I am at home or work, I will always go for a milky tea with no sugar like blash my Dad says! May not be for everyone but I love it.

“If I am out, then I will cut loose a little more and go for a latte and over the festive period then you’ll inevitably find me drinking a gingerbread latte.â€

Good choices! So when did you first join °Ù´ºÁ´, and what were your initial thoughts?

“I can hardly believe it when I say this, but I actually started working at the academy in 2005 so 10 years before we became °Ù´ºÁ´ Academy Bydales.

“When I first started I set out with the intention to embrace everything and try new things to help the students achieve great things and above all I wanted to be open to trying new things.â€

Since you started in 2005, and especially since the academy joined the °Ù´ºÁ´ Family in 2015, what has been the biggest change at the academy?

“This is an easy one to be honest; it’s the behaviour.

“The academy is now rated Outstanding by Ofsted, which is a fantastic achievement considering its predecessor was in special measures.

“Now when I am teaching a lesson, I am teaching students who want to learn and embrace it. The low level behaviour disturbances have dramatically reduced, which has enabled students to flourish.â€

That sounds great! Leading on from this then, what would you say has been your favourite memory of your time at °Ù´ºÁ´ Academy Bydales?

“Another easy one! The favourite memory keeps changing every year when a fresh set of students gain good grades and achieve their potential.â€

That sounds very rewarding! So from one ‘f’ to another, what’s been your funniest memory so far?

“Okay. So this is slightly embarrassing but it’s funny so I will share it.

“We were doing apple for the teacher in L and P and one pupil had nominated me for the health and safety queen as I was teaching about health and safety in the food room and, to be quite honest, it’s all I go on about. 

“However, on this day as I got up to accept the award I became a health and safety hazard when I knocked a full cup of tea over! 

“As you can imagine everyone laughed, well everyone except me! Fortunately though, the only °Ù´ºÁ´side was my embarrassment as no one was hurt so it was fine. Obviously I jumped to it and made sure it was all cleaned up as soon as possible, then continued to collect my award!â€

Sounds like perfect timing there! So to finish, we have a standard last question to those we share a brew with. Which three people, dead or alive, would you invite to your dinner party?

“First would have to be Tina Turner. I am a huge fan of hers and absolutely love her songs. She is my absolute ideal dinner party guest!

“Second would be Father Christmas. I love Christmas and who else better to go-to to talk Christmas!

“Last it would be Channing Tatum because...well there’s no explanation needed really!â€


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